Barcode Scanning
Barcode scanning is becoming a necessity in the glass industry. GlassTrax offers the ability to use barcode scanning technology at no additional cost to you. Here are some of the biggest benefits of using barcode scanning technology:
- Save money and find bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
- Improve your operation by finding out which employees are the most efficient at each station.
- Give better estimated completion times to your customers, improving customer satisfaction.
- Keep track of breakage to give you a more complete picture of profitability.
Route Planning
GlassTrax has the ability to link with Google Maps and Mapquest to find the best route for your drivers. With just a couple of clicks, the most efficient route will be shown in a printable format. Improve customer satisfaction by delivering on time. Save money by conserving gas.
Export to Your Optimizer
Save time and money by exporting orders directly to the optimizer. GlassTrax exports sales order information directly to your optimization software, eliminating the need to enter dimensions, thickness, shapes, and glass types by hand. GlassTrax integrates with a number of optimization software packages, including Opty-Way, PMC’s Optimate and WindowMate, WinIG, Billco, Lisec, and more!
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